Host a film screening in your community. in addition to raising funds, you'll be directly supporting our talented artists and dedicated teachers. FIND OUT MORE BELOW.
Raise Awareness
Education & Inspiration
Engagement & Networking
Promotion & Contribution
“Nothing About Us Without Us”
“Dead End”
“Even After Death”
Outdoor venue
Cultural centers
Educational institutions
Local theaters
Corporate venues
Festivals and events
A screen and projector that can be connected to a computer, DVD/Blu-ray player, or a large television screen that can be seen by everyone in the room.
A good sound system (e.g. speakers)
Internet access
HDMI cable
Use Social Media (Provide us with shareable posts for social media for we can share on ReFOCUS’ profile)
Create a Facebook event
Utilize event listings for your local community
Engage your friends and family - encourage them to share your event in their network
Sell tickets for the screening
Donate a fixed amount
Collect donations after the screening
Sell food & drinks
QR codes in the space for direct donations to refocus
Come up with your own idea
Find a location for your screening
Select a date and time for your screening
Gather Screening tools and resources
Plan the program
Promote your screening
Set up donation a channel
Test Technology and coordinate logistics
Set up for virtual discussion if this is also part of the program
Partner with a friend for social media photos
After the screening, we encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences. We invite you to craft a brief review or share your insights about the screening, along with any captivating photos you captured during the event. we will share your screening on our social media and website and By doing so, you'll encourage others to do the same and you’ll contribute to our website's showcase of memorable screening experiences.