ReFOCUS was created to address the glaring gap in access to education and skills training. We were created for those missing years of education due to war,
persecution, extreme poverty and for those with a burning wish to contribute to the economy of their receiving countries.

Our program works primarily with teenagers and young adults living in reception centers or shelters for minors. We have developed intensive four-month semesterized media skills programs
that serves as a form of art therapy, fosters modern media creation skills, and helps our creators develop portfolios and the confidence needed to secure employment.

In our media labs we teach various mediums of media creation. After mastering photography our students bridge toward storytelling and filmmaking,
but also develop skills in graphic design, audio and video editing, scriptwriting, directing and podcasting.



Film production has been an integral part of Refocus from the very beginning. We've consistently made short films and documentaries with our students and maintained partnerships with other well-respected organizations for new projects. As our students develop, they are introduced to our filmmaking team, giving them invaluable hands-on experience in the exciting world of filmmaking.

Rooted in facts from the ground, our reporting changes public opinion by engaging directly with the reality faced by people struggling for asylum once they reach Europe.

There is not a single refugee narrative, and only by listening to and embracing refugees as equals can we ensure that their voices are heard, their stories are felt, and their futures
are secured. Our courses empower students to express themselves and share their own stories of struggle and resilience.

Our podcast ‘Fractured’ is a project of our citizen journalism program with a focus on political and social challenges related to refugees
and migration flows in the world with a special focus on europe. listen on spotify here.



We bridge the gap for those trapped in the limbo of European bureaucracy, and unable to participate in formal education systems.
We offer education and professional skills at a time when there are no official alternatives.

We maintain a cross-cultural and welcoming environment where people can integrate with teachers, volunteers,
media professionals and students from all over the world.

At ReFOCUS, we welcome anyone who wants to join our community. We have witnessed the difference that having a sense of community makes in people's lives,
and we see the impact in people's mental health every single day.

We currently employ teaching artists who have either been ReFOCUS students or have a multimedia background from their country of origin.

We provide them with a network to a European media scene, and support their efforts to make a life in a new country.
At the same time, we support their further training in the field through production of original films and multimedia projects.