Khodadads first experience with film and photography was at ReFOCUS. He remembers that the first photos he took were of a volleyball player, which he thinks was a good subject and a good opportunity. Some things that Khodadad enjoys are eating Qabuli, watching Korean movies and listening to Sonnets.

In the future Khodadad would like to continue with photography and editing, he feels hopeful for the future;“If we didn’t have hope in life we wouldn’t get to the point where we are right now, we need hope in life to be doing what we are doing”

Khodadad has also developed a serious passion for filmmaking, especially editing. his first filmmaking experience was with teaching artists Magda Zambrycka and pawel rozek, who worked with our students on developing A FILM ABOUT WHAT IT MEANS TO HAVE SUPER POWERS. MAGDA AND PAWEL, BOTH FROM POLAND, WHERE THE NOVEL AND NETFLIX SERIES “THE witcher” is a cult classic, HELPED OUR STUDENTS CREATE THEIR FIRST SHORT FILMS ABOUT “If I was a superhero how would I use my powers?”

Simultaneously Khodadad also started generating content with our citizen journalism program becaUSE HE FELT it was critical to keep the public informed of the challenges asylum seekers and recognized refugees face everyday in these camps on European soil. his first documentary, along with fellow filmmaker Ali Safari, focused on the restrictions on freedom of movement he and his peers face every day.

khodadad and Ali followed up their first doc with a narrative film “hope”, taking a different approach to essentially tell the same story about what it takes to access education on a daily basis.

Khodadad and his peers also took initial steps into the world of promotional videos to showcase the amazing work our fellow partner organizations do every day in support of the refugee community on lesvos.

CHECK BACK SOON FOR THESE FILMS, AND Follow KHODADAD on Instagram- mohammadio_o_